HELENE DAWANSAbstract painting on wood created by Belgian artist Hélène Dawans.Since 2011, the painter explores painting onwooden panels previously used by carpenters. The surface is covered witherandom and straight grooves which give a sense of depth in the work of theartist. Hélène Dawans, who is fascinated by colors, applies multiple layers ofpaint, pigments and natural stone powder. The combination of relief and colorlayers gives the work a majestic effect. Alternating the use of hot and coldmaterial, the artist creates an unusual dynamic in her compositions.


Abstract painting on wood created by Belgian artist Hélène Dawans.Since 2011, the painter explores painting onwooden panels previously used by carpenters. The surface is covered witherandom and straight grooves which give a sense of depth in the work of theartist. Hélène Dawans, who is fascinated by colors, applies multiple layers ofpaint, pigments and natural stone powder. The combination of relief and colorlayers gives the work a majestic effect. Alternating the use of hot and coldmaterial, the artist creates an unusual dynamic in her compositions.